Fit To Be Trined ~ 7 Dec 2014

Tomorrow Jupiter stations in Leo at 22 degrees 37 minutes, beginning a refresher class of everything we’ve learned since his entry into this grand sign this past July about confidence, self assertion, generosity, bigheartedness, grandiosity and solar power - both for global energy and our internal chakra fueling. His retrograde trek continues into April.

Perhaps most important about his current position is the rather tight trine to Eris, now occupying 22 Aries 10. In her relatively short tenure as a planet, Eris has accumulated a heap of negative keywords. True, she is the goddess of discord and wreaks mayhem whenever she feels excluded. She travels in the company of ruffians who ignite quickly when competitively challenged or feel their due is compromised or their attributes slighted.

But let us remember that Jupiter invoked Eris to conspire with him to reverse the order of the heavens for but one day - long enough to reset perspective, cause the Pleiades to weep, and restore political order. And Eris, with her node in Taurus and perihelion reminds all to release addictions to status, social positioning and financial strata. She reminds to find our personal Goldilocks zone when it comes to money, social status, social media involvement and the spiritual feeling a good fit of soul within the body... you know, not too much; not too little. Just right.

In the past few days Venus filled in a grand trine from Sagittarius to Jupiter in Leo and Eris in Aries. The feeling of joy when shopping or wrapping presents mixed with a reprioritizing of those things you need and want to feel a better fit with goals and aspirations. It would be just about right to make your own list and check it twice to ensure you have what you need and want to begin the new year full of confidence, with a proper set of “tools” and feeling good about your personal presentation. A good polishing of the luster on the merit of all your great ideas fits well here, too.

Later this week, the 11th - 12th, Mercury enters a rather precise grand trine with Jupiter and Eris. Mercury stands out as especially significant because Jupiter dispatched his services in as a preliminary step of negotiation in the situation where he and Eris reversed the order of the heavens. This quicksilver interval coming up asks for clear articulation of what you intend to do, with what means you intend to do it, and what participation you seek from others to accomplish those objectives. Avoid any urge to go sleight of hand or try for a hands-behind-the-back approach. With the Great Attractor (14 Sag 02) involved in lingering transits, nothing can be hidden and changes in terms or bait and switch tactics will blow up as flawed strategies.

On the 14th the Sun fills in the grand trine with Jupiter and Eris. Be strong. Be tall. Be confident and bold. Truthfulness and clarity of intention outshine any drifting toward bombastic or boastful.

Come the solstice, Ceres moves into the grand trine formation with the Jupiter-Eris pattern. This marks a point of no compromise. Should you have been negotiating terms in any real world consideration with a hard line approach, you just might have your claims challenged and a “this is it” deadline slapped down on the table. In this calling of your bluff there are several important value factors that underscore your reaction: Can you take less than what you insisted you require with no compromise? If the deal is not up to snuff, can you survive if you cut off your nose to spite your face? Should your standards rule? Are your intentions and integrity intact if you take a “less than” deal? If you hold out, will the Jupiter to Mars opposition at the first of next year come to your rescue?

Tough questions. Regardless, a stop-loss end to the negotiations high water mark exists as the season turns. Trust your soulful fit per Eris and not emotionally triggered reactions that may originate in the reaction zone of Ceres.

Bracketing the 22 degree Sagittarius point that constitutes the exact Jupiter - Eris trine mechanism and within a degree or so, are the centaur, Pholus, and the Kuiper Belt Object, Ixion.

According to lore, Jupiter offered Ixion a second chance for redemption and a better life on Mount Olympus. All he had to do is live by the rules. This meant no justifications of actions that go against sensibilities and the house rules of where the gods live. When you get a second chance, take it, and act like you’ve been in your new digs before.

Pholus reminds us of the importance of the sacred wine. With his node and perihelion in Cancer, he reminds us of the spiritual significance of whatever we put into our body. So, during the holiday season, always toast with your cheer and offer a blessing over the food. Stay within your known limits of consumption. Trust your body instincts to let you know when enough is enough. Be joyous, respectful and restore the belief that every act in life, no matter how mundane, is a spiritual, destiny-shaping event.

More soon.